You don't need to read your daily horoscope everyday
or read what the energies of the world, the planets or retrogrades are up to
to live your life.
Stop asking the tarot cards, the psychics, the healers, the gurus and 101 spirit guides to tell you the answers you are seeking,
because it's not connection
it is disconnection
seeking answers from external sources
is keeping you disconnected from your own wisdom
your own body and heart
your own intuition and knowing.
New age spirituality can be toxic,
you feel you can't do anything without asking the cards, the guides, the psychics
you move through life on edge of retrogrades and energies,
you can hold false hope of things happening, in a certain way in a certain timeline.
I fell into this trap years ago and it left me full of overwhelm and anxiety,
do you remember how better you were in the time you lived life, accepted what was and what is, carried on with life without over thinking that mercury was in retrograde,
not asking the cards about what your twin flame is doing or feeling.
You were present- grounded in the here and now,
maybe you were still disconnected from your heart and intuition
but you weren't constantly seeking answers.
I stopped following accounts
I stopped listening to others
and instead I switched off and tuned into my own being
my own heart and my own body
which is a direct link to source, the divine or God.
And there you will find all that you need to know.
Answers come in the form of a gentle sigh, shoulders dropping, a wave of peace or a wave of joy for a yes answer and they can come as a form of tension and tightness for a no answer
You don't need to seek answers from others
because your heart KNOWS the answers
seeking external advice and answers comes from living from your mind
instead of dropping into your heart.
External sources can instead and should hold space for you
they can guide you with questions for you to ask your own heart
they can't tell you what is going happen or what you should do
because your life is filled with unlimited possibilities and choices that only you can make
instead external sources should guide you back to your own heart,
your own being
your own truth.
You are your own oracle, you know your body, your needs, your desires more than anyone
When you seek for external answers you are seeking validation because you don't trust your own heart.
you are overwhelmed and your mind is in chaos,
you have to isolate yourself
switch off
tune in
let the chaos settle
and then after time
you will hear the voice of your heart
and you will never
ask an outside voice ever again.
Donna xx